Second day of the Course for Subunit and Platoon Commanders (EPCSUPEL) 2013/02

IMG 8635ok During the second day of the Course for Subunit and Platoon Commanders (EPCSUPEL) of the 19th Brazilian Contingent in Haiti (19º CONTBRAS), the apprentices attended the first instruction by Lieutenant Commander (Marines) Wagner Vinicius, who dealt with "Rules of Engagement". After that, Captain Crispim and 1st Lieutenants Marcela Meira and Valdetaro presented instructions based on the UN's Core Pre-deployment Training Material (CPTM), respectively: "Conduct and Discipline", "HIV Aids" and "Respect for Diversity".

Sound of Peace Band makes a presentation during the ceremony for the anniversary of the Brazilian Army’s First Division

som paz3 On August 8, the Brazilian Army's First Division (1ª DE) celebrated its 105th anniversary with a parade at Marshal Zenóbio da Costa Parade Field. After that, the guests were hosted at the Military Club in Vila Militar (CMVM), where they could attend the presentation by Sound of Peace Band from the Brazilian Peacekeeping Operations Joint Center (CCOPAB).

Opening Ceremony of the Course for Subunit and Platoon Commanders (EPCSUPEL) 2013/02

epcsupel5 The Brazilian Peacekeeping Operations Joint Center (CCOPAB) opened the doors of Sergio Vieira de Mello Cultural Facilities on August 12 in order to start the Course for Subunit and Platoon Commanders (EPCSUPEL) for the 19th Brazilian Contingent in Haiti (19º CONTBRAS). This course aims at preparing officers appointed for the specific functions of Subunit and Platoon Commanders and at enabling them to train their fractions as instructors.

Closing of ETIMil

4diagptfuznav3On the fifth and last day of the Course for Military Translators and Interpreters (ETIMil) of the 19th Brazilian Battalion (BRABAT) and the Brazilian Engineering Company (BRAENCOY), the students took part in workshops and lectures in the morning.

Closing of EPCOEM

4diagptfuznav2 On the fifth and last day, the students of the Course for Unit Commanders and Staff (EPCOEM) of the 19th Brazilian Engineering Company (BRAENGCOY) took part in a videoconference with the 18th BRAENGCOY Staff.
Meanwhile, the students of the 19th Brazilian Battalion (BRABAT) took part in a case study, coordinated by Major Sérgio Mattos.

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