CCOPAB carries out a Civil-Military Coordination Course

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - From 13 to 17 September 2021, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center - Sergio Vieira de Mello Center - a Brazilian Army Educational Organization, under the supervision of the Department of Military Technical Education, carried out the Civil-Military Coordination Course (CIMIC), aiming at preparing military, police and civilian personnel to hold positions related to the UN Civil Affairs System.

The course, entirely offered in English, was divided into two phases: the first, on e-learning basis (one week), in which students familiarized themselves with the Core Pre-Deployment Training Material (CPTM). The second, at the facilities of CCOPAB, lasting for one week, in which students study the Specialized Training Materials (STM).

Forty-four students attended this course edition: 25 Brazilian Army Captain Career Course (CCC) students, six State Police officers from CBMGO, PMAL, PMBA, PMDF and PMPR, and 13 International Relations (IR) undergraduates from PUC-Rio, UERJ, UNESP and IOM. The Brazilian Research Network on Peace Operations (REBRAPAZ, acronym in Portuguese) was represented by one IR undergraduate.

Apart from CCOPAB members and guest instructors, we can highlight the participation of the following lecturers:
- Colonel (Ret.) Víctor Manuel NÚNEZ, from the Argentinian Air Force;
- Mrs. Eduarda HAMANN, General Coordinator of the Brazilian Research Network on Peace Operations (REBRAPAZ); and
- Mrs. SILVIA Corradi Sander, Liaison Officer from UNHCR.

The CIMIC course is certified by the Integrated Training Service (ITS) of the UN Department of Peace Operations.

Translation: MAJ ISRAEL.

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