CCOPAB carries out the Civil-Military Coordination Course

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – From June 10 to 14, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center, Sergio Vieira de Mello Center, carried out the Civil-Military Coordination Course (CIMIC, acronym in Portuguese). The objective of this activity was the dissemination of necessary knowledge for the performance of functions related to Civil Affairs activities, in the context of a UN Peace Operation.

The course enabled the integration of theoretical and practical experiences among the 47 participants, distributed among 3 (three) members of the Brazilian Navy, 16 (sixteen) of the Brazilian Army, 2 (two) of the Brazilian Air Force, 2 (two) of the Military Fire Department of Minas Gerais, 1 (one) of the Military Police of Goiás, 1 (one) of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro State, 1 (one) trainee of Friendly Nations and 21 (twenty one) civilians, of the following institutions:

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (ACNUR, acronym, in Portuguese);

Embassy of the United Kingdom

Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV);

Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC);

Brazilian Institute of Medicine and Rehabilitation (IBMR);

Igarapé Institute; Catholic Pontifical University (PUC-Rio);

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ);

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC);

Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU);

State University of São Paulo (UNESP);

United Nations Information Center for Brazil (UNIC-Rio);

Curitiba University Center (UNICURITIBA);

University of Innsbruck; State University of São Paulo (USP).

In addition to the CCOPAB staff, the following military and civilian personnel participated as guest instructors: Cel José Augusto Bognoni Lós Reis, from the 11th Light Infantry Brigade; Cel Roberto Gil Vargas, from the National Support System for Peace Operations in Uruguay; TC Anderson Passos de Souza, from the Military Fire Department of Minas Gerais; TC Denise Dantas de Aquino, from the Military Police of the Federal District; Maj Fernanda Santos Pereira da Silva, from the São Paulo State Military Police; Mr John Kargotich, of the Coordination Office for Humanitarian Assistance in Jordan; Larissa Pereira de Almeida, from the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia; and Mr. Maurizio Giuliano, Head of the UN Information Center. In order to bring realism to the internship, TC Passos, from the Fire Department of MG,

shared with the students the lessons learned in the management of the crisis resulting from the Brumadinho dam collapse.

In theoretical classes and group discussions held in English, the trainees had the opportunity to interact in a diverse environment, faithful to the multidimensionality of peace operations. Therefore it was possible to exchange opinions and make a joint effort to plan and conduct activities, with the common objective of helping populations affected by conflicts.

Translation: LT Rangel


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