CCOPAB participates in the 5th Female Military Officers Course in Kenya

Nairobi (Kenya) – From 28 November to 09 December, the Chief of the Division of Translators and Interpreters of CCOPAB, Major CHRISTIANE LIMA, will be participating in the 5th Female Military Officers Course (FMOC), organized by UN Women, in cooperation with the Kenyan International Peace Support Training Center (KIPSTC).

The two-week course aims to support the troop contributing countries to increase the number of female officers in the current UN Peacekeeping Operations. The attendees are given the technical competencies that are demanded by the commanders in the field, especially concerning protection of civilians and training concepts which can be used in various regional, national and international institutions of UN Peace Operations Training around the world.

The attendees are 42 female officers from 31 different nationalities.

Translator: LT Eduarda Coelho



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