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  • CCOPAB carries out the first course to train civilians to work in unstable environments

CCOPAB carries out the first course to train civilians to work in unstable environments

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - In the morning of November 16, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB), having the support of Igarapé Institute, carried out the first course to train civilians to work in unstable environments The course responded to the guidelines and received support from the Peace Operations Department of the Ministry of Defense.

The course was developed in CCOPAB, from November 16 to 18, and had the participation of 16 Brazilian specialist civilians: federal and state public servers, scholars and professionals directly involved with the theme in practice.

In the international relations' environment, there are projects of cooperation among States, including in unstable contexts, and Brazil sends civilians to vulnerable contexts such as Afghanistan, Cambodia, Lebanon and Mali; however, their preparation is either very precarious or absent. The course, therefore, meets a potential training demand and is of great importance not only to the Brazilians involved but also to the Brazilian foreign relations in general.

The course to train civilian to work in unstable environments has the following objectives: (1) sensitize the participants concerning the importance of the training; and (2) teach basic techniques to Brazilian professional so they can safely perform their functions in unstable contexts, either in technical, electoral and humanitarian cooperation projects or in UN peace or special political missions.


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