CIMIC Course - Last day

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - The ceremony to award the certificates this Friday represented the end of the 2015 Civil-Military Coordination (CIMIC) Course, which prepared the 23rd CONTBRAS/MINUSTAH (Infantry Battalion, Engineering Company and Marines Company) for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti.

During the week, officers and NCOs from the Brazilian Navy, Army and Air Force, as well as military personnel from Angola, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, and civilians from the academia (International Relations field), received several instructions, among them, the specialized training module on UN-CIMIC (UN STM), exchange of experience with military personnel who have just been to a peace mission, the participation of an NGO and international organizations in relation to the military component, and useful tools to use during UN-CIMIC activities.

By the end of the morning, after a week full of activities, there was the conclusion of the course, which was headed by Colonel Vendramin, CCOPAB Commander.


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