CCOPAB carries out Civil-Military Coordination Course

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – From 27 July to 14 August, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center - Sergio Vieira de Mello Center - carried out the Civil-Military Coordination Course (CIMIC), aiming at preparing military, police and civilian personnel to hold positions related to the UN System of Civil Affairs, mainly to Civil-Military Coordination.

The course, entirely offered in English, was divided into two phases: the first, on e-learning basis, lasting for two weeks, in which students familiarized themselves with CPTM; and the second, at the facilities of CCOPAB, lasting for one week, when students study the STM.

During this edition, there were thirty-two students - 17 from the Army, two from the Air Force, two from the Navy, four from State Police Departments (PMBA and PMERJ) and seven undergraduates from PUC-RJ, USP and FMU.

Besides CCOPAB permanent members, it is also important to highlight the participation of the following guest instructors: COL (Ret.) José Augusto Bognoni Lós Reis, COL PMESP (Ret.) Hélio Tenório dos Santos, MAJ PMESP Fernanda Santos Pereira da Silva, CPT Carlos Vinicius Ottoni Bittencourt, Mrs. Thais Silva Menezes (UNHCR liaison officer), Mrs. Fernanda Kundrat Brasil (MINUSMA) via VTC, CPT Raphael Cavaliere Nardi de Souza (UNMISS) via VTC and Mr. Gustavo Barreto (PIO Assistant at UNIC-Rio).

Translation: MAJ ISRAEL.


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