CCOPAB certifies the Brazilian Engineering Company

From April 30 to May 05, the members of the Brazilian Engineering Company (BRAENGCOY) went through the UN Advanced Pre-deployment Field Exercise (EAOP, acronym in Portuguese), which is the last training prior to deployment to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The Exercise was carried out by the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB), in Aquidauana - Mato Grosso do Sul.

The main objective of the Exercise was to certify that the 26th Brazilian Engineering Company is fully prepared to be deployed to MINUSTAH. In order to achieve that goal, simulations of the operational environment in Haiti - such as incidents involving troops, role plays, use of military vehicles -, were made up on the streets of Aquidauana, Anastácio, Nioaque and Jardim.

The 26th Brazilian Engineering Company, composed by 120 military personnel, will be part of the last Brazilian Contingent in Haiti. The main mission of the Company will be to provide engineering support to MINUSTAH and contribute to the development of the local infrastructure, as well as to cooperate to keep a safe and stable environment in Haiti.

According to resolution 2350, adopted by UN Security Council, MINUSTAH will be gradually withdrawn until its complete demobilization on October 15 of 2017. A new entity known as the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) will replace MINUSTAH. Police components from different nationalities will be part of MINUJUSTH, and they will work on the training of the Haitian National Police.


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