Course on Logistics and Reimbursement in UN PKOs

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - the first edition of the course on logistics and reimbursement in UN PKOs for the year 2015 was carried out, from 23 February to 06 March, at the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center, focusing on the preparation of the Brazilian Contingent 22 (CONTBRAS) for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The course aimed at enabling the personnel to perform their administrative, logistical, and reimbursement tasks in UN PKOs. During the two-week course, the students had instructions about logistics and reimbursement in the UN environment; specific instructions about personnel, material and financial logistics; moreover, they had the opportunity to visit peace mission logistics units of the three armed forces: The Logistical Transportation Center of the Air Force (CTLA, acronym in Portuguese), The PKF Logistical Cell (Nu Log F Paz, acronym in Portuguese) and the Dock Debarking Ship (NDD, acronym in Portuguese).

To Col Couto, Chief of the Logistics Cell for the Support of the Brazilian Contingent in Haiti, the course highly contributed for the future performance of his tasks for
he could know and strengthen the relations with military units he will need to work with, such as the 1st Army Supply Department, the Ministry of Defense and the Army Logistical Command.

What impressed him the most, according to Colonel Couto, was the structure of the course and the facilities at CCOPAB: "their concern to prepare a course covering several subjects, the fact that they paid close attention to our learning, and the quality of the instructors really impressed me!"

Thirty-one students completed the course: 21 from the Army, 07 from the Navy and 03 from the Air Force.

Translation: CPT ISRAEL

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