CCOPAB welcomes students from UNICURITIBA and CEFET-RJ

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - From 03 to 05 October, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB) welcomed 58 students and four professors of the International Relations Course from Centro Universitário Curitiba (UNICURITIBA, acronym in Portuguese) and of Foreign Languages Applied to International Negotiations Course (LEANI, acronym in Portuguese) from Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ, acronym in Portuguese).

The visit was a great opportunity to strengthen the bonds with the academia. University students also took the chance to know more about peacekeeping operations and the role of CCOPAB, regarding the training of Brazilian and foreign peacekeepers.

The students could visit Fort Copacabana, attend an institutional lecture, take part in a simulated mediation/negotiation, learn how to prepare field rations and have a sample of the difficulties found by peacekeepers on the ground, when watching a demonstration of engagement skills at the simulator training room.

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Translation: CPT ISRAEL.

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