First week of the Course for Peacekeeping Operations - EPMP 10/2

The first week of the Course for Peacekeeping Operations 2010-2 ended successfully.

It was an intense week of instructions, among which were: Introduction to UN Peacekeeping, Fundamental Principles of UN Peacekeeping, Rules of Engagement, Code of Conduct, Media Relation, Humanitarian Assistance, CIMIC, UN Communication, Stress Management, Negotiation and Mediation, Hygienic/Basic Life Support.

On October 8, the practical instruction of Humanitarian Demining was held at the School of Specialized Instruction (EsIE, acronym in Portuguese).

Instrução de UN Communication com o UNPOL Team Instrução de UN Communication com o Ten Cel Andreas Tschakert, da Alemanha Oficina de Negotiation and Mediation com o Ten Cel Gonzalo Villagran, da Argentina Oficina de Negotiation and Mediation com Cap PMESP Hélio, instrutor do CCOPAB Prática de Desminagem Humanitária, na EsIE Instrução teórica de UN Communication com o Cap Andy Smith, do Reino Unido

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