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  • CCOPAB carried out the first 2015 edition of the Civil-Military Coordination Course.

CCOPAB carried out the first 2015 edition of the Civil-Military Coordination Course.

Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - From 09 to 13 March, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB, acronym in Portuguese) carried out the first 2015 edition of the Civil-Military Coordination Course.

The course aims at preparing military personnel to carry out activities related to the system of civil affairs, focusing on UN Civil-Military Coordination. Besides, the course receives officers from friendly nations who are to take part in peace missions, as well as reresentatives of universities or any other interested organization. During the week, the students had instructions on UN STM, Media Relations, NGOs - especially the activities performed by Viva Rio in Haiti. There was also a CIMIC group work for the students.

Ms. Vivian Finger Krause, a student of the CIMIC course and of the UFF graduate course on Strategic Studies, researcher of Peace Operations and the Civil-Military Relations stated that:
"the lessons learned by military personnel who were deployed in MINUSTAH are closely connected to my idea of dissertation and they will contribute a lot to my academic development."

To Pilot Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Nogueira de Souza, BRABAT 22 G9, the most significant was the contact they had with other organizations:
"-the CIMIC course allows us to be in contact with several actors who are part of the UN-CIMIC in a peace mission, such as UN representatives, governmental, non-governmental and international organizaton staff. The interaction is present among intructors and students along the course.

The course had 44 students: 19 from the Army, 02 from the Air Force, 07 from the Navy, 02 from friendly nations and 14 civilians.

Translation: CPT ISRAEL

1 - CIMIC - Agencia Fundos e Progamas da ONU2 - CIMIC -  G9 BRABAT3 - CIMIC - Fotos Ten. Garbino4 - CIMIC - STM Modulo 2 - U15 - CIMIC - Funcionamento de uma OI e atividades desenvolvidas pela Cruz Vermelha no Haiti

FaLang translation system by Faboba