CCOPAB carries out EAOP for the Brazilian Engineering Company

Extrutura colapsadaAquidauana (MS) - From 25 to 30 of October, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB, acronym in Portuguese) carried out the UN Pre-Deployment Advanced Field Exercise (EAOP, acronym in Portuguese), last phase of the preparation of the Brazilian Engineering Company - BRAENGCOY, which will be part of the 23rd Brazilian Contingent for the UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH, acronym in French) from November on.

Certificate of Completion of Training for Peace Mission

certificadoThe Certificate of Completion of Training of Contingents for Peace Missions is a goal aimed by the UN since the Resolution of the General Assembly in 1995, which guided the Member States to evaluate and certify the troops to be deployed to a peacekeeping operation, according to the training modules released by the United Nations.

CCOPAB starts the last phase of the 23rd Contingent of BRAENGCOY's preparation

Exercicio final braengcoyAquidauana (MS) - On October 25, in the auditorium of the 9th Combat Engineering Battalion, in Aquidauana - MS, there was the general guidelines for the UN Pre-Deployment Advanced Field Exercise (EAOP, acronym in Portuguese), led by the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB, acronym in Portuguese) for the 23rd Contingent of BRAENGCOY.

Closing of the Final Training Exercise of BRABAT 23

encerramento eaop brabat23 06Pelotas (RS) - In the morning of October 23, the end of the second week of exercise, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB) carried out the After Action Review (AAR) of the UN Pre-Deployment Advanced Field Exercise (EAOP, acronym in Portuguese) of BRABAT 23 which will be part of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH, acronym in French).

Beginning of the 2nd Week of EAOP - BRABAT 23

2 semana eaop brabat23 05Pelotas (RS) - The beginning of the second week of the UN Pre-Deployment Advanced Field Exercise (EAOP, acronym in Portuguese) had patrols, support to injured Haitians, rescue of a UN employee surrounded by demonstrators, among others.

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