CCOPAB gives support to the decentralized exercise of the 23rd BRAENGCOY

From June 29 to July 17 of 2015, military personnel of the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB) are giving support to the decentralized training of the 23rd Contingent of the Brazilian Engineering Company in Haiti, distributed in the following military units: 1° BE Cmb (Es) (Combat Engineering Battalion) in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 2° BEC (Construction Engineering Battalion) in Teresina-PI, 6º BE Cmb (Combat Engineering Battalion) in São Gabriel-RS, 2° BE Cmb Combat Engineering Battalion) in Pindamonhangaba-SP and BPEB (Police Battalion) in Brasília.

CCOPAB is giving instructions on the Core Predeployment Training Materials (CPTM), which are the UN basic guidelines. These instructions are necessary to the military personnel who will take part in Peace Missions.

The goal of the decentralized instructions are not only to train the military personnel who are to act in Peace Operations as small fractions but also to train them for the UN Predeployment Advanced Field Exercise (EAOP, acronym in Portuguese), scheduled to take place in the 9º BE Cmb (Combat Engineering Battalion) in Aquidauana-MS from 26 to 30 of October, 2015.


descentralizado IMG-20150710-WA0015

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