CCOPAB participates in preparatory meeting for Viking Exercise

On last January 30, the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center (CCOPAB, acronym in Portuguese) took part in a coordination meeting at the United Nations House in Brazil in order to submit the pre-training and details of the 2018 Viking Exercise.

Mrs. Teresa Encarnação, Civilian Site Advisor for Brazil in Exercise Viking 18, with the Folke Bernadotte Academy, along with Colonel Godoy, from the Land Operations Command, showed the challenges of the Viking Exercise to the many UN agencies that attended the meeting. They conveyed the general view, such as the structure and humanitarian mission of the activity.

The Viking Exercise will be held from April 16 to 26 in Sweden and in Brasília and it will count on the participation of over 100 members of the three Armed Forces, Military Police, Agencies, UN Funds and Programs and of the International Red Cross.

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