CCOPAB visits the office the EU Delegation to Brazil.

Brasília (DF) - On 13 November, COL Machado, commander of the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center, visited the office of the EU Delegation to Brazil. The purpose of the visit was to deliver an institutional presentation, highlighting the training of military, police and civilian personnel, from Brazil and friendly nations, to be deployed in peace missions and humanitarian demining missions.Possibilities of cooperation between CCOPAB and PK Centers from EU member states were under discussion.

COL Gerken, Chief of the Peace Missions Division, Aviation and IGPM (acronym in Portuguese), was also at the event in order to keep the Land Operations Command updated, regarding a potential exchange program involving CCOPAB.

At the event, there were military attachés from Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, United kingdom and representatives from the following embassies: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Low Countries, Portugal and the Czech Republic.

At the end of the presentation, there was a debate on the Brazilian contribution towards PKOs.


Translation: CPT ISRAEL.

FaLang translation system by Faboba