Earthquake in Haiti - 01 year


On January 12, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. It caused serious structural damage to the city of Port-au-Prince as well as the casualty of more than 230,000 people.

Due to that huge natural disaster, 18 military personnel of the Army, 1 military policeman and 2 civilians, all of whom from Brazil, lost their lives in the struggle for world peace.

In respect and gratitude for the utmost sacrifice of their lives, the Brazilian Peacekeeping Operations Joint Center praises those noble Brazilian citizens whose names have been eternally engraved at the Peace Memorial of the Center.


Members of MINUSTAH

Gen Emilio Carlos Torres dos Santos

Gen João Eliseu Souza Zanin

Cel Marcus Vinicius Macedo Cysneiros

Ten Cel Márcio Guimarães Martins

Ten Cel Francisco Adolfo Vianna Martins Filho

Cap Bruno Ribeiro Mário

Cap PMDF Cleiton Batista Neiva

2º Ten Raniel Batista de Camargo

1º Sgt Davi Ramos de Lima

1º Sgt Leonardo de Castro Carvalho

2º Sgt Rogrigo de Souza Lima

3º Sgt Ari Dirceu Fernandes Júnior

3º Sgt Douglas Pedrotti Neckel

3º Sgt Washington Luis de Souza Seraphin

Cb Tiago Anaya Detimermani

Cb Antonio José Anacleto

Cb Felipe Gonçalves Julio

Cb Rodrigo Augusto da Silva

Cb Kléber da Silva Santos

Sr. Luiz Carlos da Costa


Founder of the Pastoral Care of Children

Dra Zilda Arns



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