CCOPAB visits Operação Acolhida

Boa Vista (RR) - From June 3 to 6, the Commander of the Brazilian Peace Operations Joint Training Center – Sergio Vieira de Mello Center – , followed by two officers from the Education and Training Division, visited the 5th Contingent of the Humanitarian Logistic Task Force - Bandeirantes Contingent, in Boa Vista, Roraima.

The objective of the visit was to evaluate the training of the 5th Operação Acolhida Contingent, which operates in the mission of ordering the border of Brazil and Venezuela, shelter the unassisted and carry out the subsequent internalization of immigrants. In addition, the activity sought to collect information to improve the training of the next contingent, in charge of the Southern Military Command.

On that occasion, CCOPAB's members also visited the Pacaraima Base and the 3rd Special Border Platoon (3rd PEF), located on the border between Brazil and Venezuela, and the Operação Acolhida Base and shelters Rondon 1, Rondon 2, Latife Salomão and São Vicente, located in the city of Boa Vista-RR.

Translation: LT RANGEL.


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